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Feb 05, 2007



Your drawing is beautiful, with great technique(love your use of values)and composition, and then your two shakers have a "delight" to them, which could only come from enjoying drawing them ..great job!

Stela Barreto

You are a very good drawer. As a painter I am very pleased with your work.
I'll visit you again.


Gorgeous shakers. You make everything beautiful and I love that they are special.

andrea j

These are absolutley amazing France. And I like the fact that they were made by Peugeot - it seems very fitting!!


So realistic - like you could reach into the image and pick them up!


Funny, guys, i hated drawing them. Partly because i was using harder pencils and i was just trying to convince myself i couldn't draw cylinders. So thanks! Cheerios.

Lydia Velarde

I sure do like your style. Your drawings are awesome! Have I told you already?

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