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Nov 21, 2007



I´ve already ordered 4 sets of Mini Moo cards so far. Everybody who sees them want to have at least one of them.

Yours are great! LOVE THEM.


Wow, now they are cool looking Moo Cards. Makes mine look rubbish. I had better order some more I think!

suzanne buchanan

Oh my gosh....these are amazing....what's a girl got to do to get their hands on yours? Can I order them through moo.com like Andrea's? I'm a little confused.


those are awesome! collect em all. i saw i'm not there last night... soo good. amazing camera work, and cate is supurb.


They are indeed amazing, and I'd like to order a set also. How to?? Love your drawings.


Oh no please don't! I feel SOOOO inadequate when I see these. Totally totally amazing.


Suzanne: i'll send you a boatload once i get the right shipment in (i have to return these -- the text in the back was off!!). Andrea, however, was hired by Moo to be one of their special designers! How cool is that!
Becky -- depending on whether you want your own or somebody else's, you either can go on Moo.com and swap with other people. A set of 100 is $19.99!
Andrea, oh please. Yours kick ass. You know which ones i wasn't too crazy about? The Ladies. They didn't come out great on Moos. It was a bit of a let down.

Jana Bouc

Well, I meant to spend the past hour answering emails and visiting blogs, but when I saw your Moos and Andrea's, I finally had to give Moos a try and just spent the hour selecting and adjusting photos instead! Yours look terrific!


I love these moo cards of your...they look GREAT! I'm also going to have alook into this...what a good idea.


My Moo minicards arrived today (was inspired by this post to order some) - can't get over how wee they are! Not crazy about a lot of the image choices and cropping decisions I made, unfortunately ... but that just seems to compel me to place another order!! This could be the start of an addiction.

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