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Mar 18, 2008



The pose of the boots is very intriguing. As always, love your work!

Dennis from Boring Madison

Also one of my favorite movies and I do the same thing at times! With the wonderful dialogue and soundtrack, the power of Magnolia can be felt without witnessing a single scene.

...when the sunshine don't work, the good Lord bring the rain in!

Oh, and as always - thanks for sharing your talents! You blog is my favorite Google Reader item!


Oh wow; I just discovered your blog today and am really enjoy all these fantastic drawings ... This was a wonderfully delightful lunchtime (er, well, it's 1:26 pm. Never mind) distraction! :)


thanks for the comments, Jenny, Dennis and Wendee!
Funny coincidence, Dennis, I was in your neck of the woods the other day, taking my little Honda to the dealership :-)

Eric Orchard

Each picture is better than the last. A really great drawing and that guy from Pakistan does look like Bob Dylon.


Bonjour France, est-ce que tu as déjà essayé de te dessiner ? :o)
Merci pour la jolie chanson !

Joan Y

Viewing your gorgeous drawings while listening to the music that inspired it is such a treat!!!!!


I swear... you could put up 1,000 drawings of those boots and I would never get tired of looking at them! You are supremely talented, and I am so impressed with and inspired by everything that you do!

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