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Mar 16, 2008



Your pen work is amazing! Glad to see in your boot drawing that you make mistakes... makes the rest of us feel more human :) But I agree, this is how you see the world and that's what makes art so great.



I like gloomy.

Joan Y

Wicked! The India ink is very effective!


This guy is not on Flickr?
It's stunning. It reminds me of some 1960's novel cover. French, of course.


Wow, watching your drawings is very addictive. You have interesting way of showing people - it's like we can see internal warmth radiating from them. They are alive and I would like to meet them.


Wow, watching your drawings is very addictive. You have interesting way of showing people - it's like we can see internal warmth radiating from them. They are alive and I would like to meet them.


Wow, France. Your portraits remind me of some Dino Battaglia's works. Intensity and pathos and realism: this is what Your drawings tell.

All the Best,


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