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Mar 23, 2008



This Moleskine is much prettier than mine! Is it different? Is your eye? Is your hand?


Gorgeous drawing, France, and the touch of colour is a treat.

Jennifer Lawson

Wonderful sketch. I read about your International Moleskine Exchange, Moly_X_12. Sounds like fun, but a bit scary. I look forward to watching the project from afar.


I had planned to join a group too and suddenly every participant except for me was doing collages and mixed media stuff. I backed out of the group but don´t feel too great about it.
Anyway I think this project is going to be a lot of fun for you.


Ha! You're intimidated? This 'sketch' makes me want to run and hide. Brilliant.


Just wanted to say that your fearless sketches are great. They've inspired me to grab my sketchbook and work in ink, come what may.


Oh yeah, you really must post this on the new blog. It's bloody brilliant. And, where did you get the button for the new blog?


Cheers for the comments. George, your comment made me smile. Come what may, that's the attitude!
Andrea, i am sending you an e-mail with the html code to embed it if you want.


Ack! Even the drawing of your new moleskin scares me!! What am I going to do when faced with the real thing?! Brilliant job with this, France.

gabi campanario

as andrea said, you should definitely add this to the group blog, or better, it should be the blog's new nameplate! now i'm going to have to to draw my own humble version of that fancy moley, see what you did to me! ;)


Ok...ditto everything Andrea said. This drawing is just too good and perfect.

BTW, can you send me "the code" as well when you have a chance.

Terry Banderas

This Moly rendering is great!

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