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Aug 24, 2008



He's beautiful France.
Will miss you're posts but look forward to them again in September. :)

Melinda Bilecki

This is WONderful, France! Thank you for posting it.

Deborah Ross

This is a beautiful drawing.

no way

Enjoy the new school year! The values in this drawing are just beautiful.

Stephen Gardner

I keep looking and I have no idea how you manage to get such smooth transitions, you are a master of tone.


Yeah I thought that this looked rushed! (I'm kidding by the way) This is absolutely amazing. I'm not sure what else to say other than what I'm thinking which is: WOW. You are very cool.

edgar a. cabrera

the truth is that you can make a michelangelo or a leornardo da vinci jealous. This drawing blows my mind!


great drawing France:)
if it comes to the problem of drawing slowly, maybe you should set a time for youself. Lets say "I need to finish this one in 4 hours and that's it...no more"

Rob Carey

You are truly an amazing artist. I love the expression and unique angle of this portrait. Reminds me of the kids on the school yard. You've got a magic pencil.


This is amazing, I love your style. You are the Master.

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