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Aug 22, 2008


Deborah Ross

I get up every day and check your blog right along with my emails, and when you have posted a new drawing I look at all the little details and ooh and aah. And when you haven't ....well,.....my day just doesn't seem right. So I'll keep checking.


beautiful, france. how are you getting your washes to stick to the slick moleskin surface like this? i am beading left and right, like mercury, and its too often turning to mud (see last nights post).


Deborah -- now i really have to start posting every day again! Thank you!
Wendy, the paint sticks only because it's the watercolor Moleskine (i.e. thick, grainy white paper with lotsa tooth!). I have yet to try to put watercolor in a regular Moleskine. I did India ink once and it was fine. I've always wanted to know how you color your amazing drawings.

Virginia Hanley

Hey! Memories abound. The first car in my life purchased with my money was a VW squareback; my new husband and I bought ours in 1968, before the birth of our first son. We finally sold it when we had 4 boys, and it began to need more and more expensive repairs. Thanks for the reminder, though. I loved that car.

Jennifer Lawsonj

Oh wow, I had one of these in college—white. It was always breaking down, actually that engine finally blew driving from California to Utah. The engine was hard to work on because it was in the back, but I thought I was so cool. Another great car drawing. Thanks for the memories!


Virginia and Jennifer, thank you for sharing the memories! Aw.


There is a "pimped" out version of this for sale on one of our back roads. It is a shocking shade of barney purple. As a VW family, I have this overwhelming urge to rescue the poor thing... Wonderful sketch!

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