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Sep 22, 2008



Ooooohweee...I have the feeling this is the start of something good. I love the way you show the light reflecting with such ease. You make this look so simple.


I love this car. Beautiful! And colour is great...wish I had one like this.

Stephen Gardner

This is indeed a cute drawing and very slick. Great colour as well. I've sais it before andi'll say it again "Born illustrator".

rob carey

Very cool bug! Reminds me of the car I learned to drive in back in 1979.

rob carey

Very cool bug! Reminds me of the car I learned to drive in back in 1979.

rob carey

Very cool bug! Reminds me of the car I learned to drive in back in 1979.


lovely, simplicity, and again the colour used for the shadow beneath is so powerful; i love beetles, absolute classic beauty (despite their origins)

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