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Oct 17, 2008


Joan Y

Hmmm, by most people's standards, this would be an exquisite drawing! I personally think this is killer. I am enjoying this friendly battle between you and Andrea. It is like watching cable ... without the sex and violence!


Oh please, this is nowhere near suck. Really very nice.

José Luis

Comme toujours fantastique :)


First -- love the camera drawing -- love the angle. But second, and this is probably going to be a crazy request -- but I figured I'd just put it out there to see what would happen. I was wondering if you would consider posting some of the drawings that you think "suck". Couple of reasons or this request... but probably the most important one is that I know I often think, "Oh, I'll sit down and draw..." and then something sucky hits the page, and I quit. What makes you so incredible is that you don't quit. You just keep on drawing. And I was just thinking that it might be really inspirational to all of us to put the pen down after self-critiquing our work, to see something you've done that isn't 100% perfect... but you kept drawing anyway. I think that would be really inspirational. No pressure... just thought I'd ask. Thank you!

Alison Whittington

"The thing about work is it will expand to whatever time we allocate for it. If i give myself an entire Saturday morning to prepare weekly lesson plans, answer e-mails, grade papers, it will take that and then some. However, if i allocate two hours knowing i have something else to do, i will manage to pack it all in in that time -- and the work will most likely not suffer."


That is just what I needed to hear today. Thank you!!


Ha. NO WAY! I can't believe that. This is SOO good, France. I think this might be my favourite of them all.


The camera is ok. It is a perfect manifestation of your own style and technique. I suppose that is what counts. And it counts alot.

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