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Oct 12, 2008


Stephen Gardner

Fantastic, you really have captured these books so well and it reminds me, I have to read the Brooklyn Follies. I saw Paul Auster on Park Slope the other day. great work again.


So cool!! I have always enjoyed people's drawings of their books. Very well done. I fear my version would look like a stack of legos, with one rectangle placed against the other.


A wonderful capture of these books, I love that quirky hand in the left hand corner reaching for a book, just not sure which one it took in the end? And yes, after you mentioned it, now I get it why my head goes haywire all the time in front of the bookshelves!

Joan Y

Ok, this is too fab for words! You make a stack of books look great! Love the strategically placed frog and tack!

Rick Green

I guess that explains why we drive on different sides of the road. Love the piece.


Wonderful, France. How terrifying to follow Andrea - but I'd be nervous about following you as well. I'd love to see this one in person!

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