I have been searching for subjects to draw with a pencil, to get back in the pencil groove a bit. My husband's classroom is always an excellent source of photographs -- so I borrowed a book by Cartier-Bresson. I came upon a photograph of army men in Iran back in 1950 and one caught by eye. So that's what I've been drawing for the past couple of evenings. Except I got tired and didn't quite finish. #2 pencil on Xerox paper.
I rather like unfinished sections! But I always like your drawings, finished or no. Terrific!
Posted by: Jennifer Edwards | Mar 17, 2012 at 14:48
I saw your art in the book An Illustrated Life and went to check out your website.
Your drawings are so incredible! Great work.
-Ava :)
Posted by: Ava | Mar 21, 2012 at 19:45
I LOVE your drawings! I've just spent the past 2 hours clicking through them instead of working. Please keep them coming!
Posted by: Hannah | Mar 23, 2012 at 17:48