I have been drawing so much lately, but keeping everything under wraps until it gets published in a few months as part of the book I have been working on. In the meantime, I am posting my iPad doodles and an occasional... lady: a Renault 12, probably mid-seventies, the kind I used to see in my childhood. I used to think it was so damn ugly, and now I marvel at its coolness.
Pigma Micron 08 after a first draft in pencil + watercolor in watercolor Moleskine.
Wow! I just discovered your blog from Facebook-EDM group. And I am so glad I found it! Great work and love your drawings!
Posted by: Alex Tan | Mar 18, 2013 at 17:23
Thanks for your end notes giving the particular utensils, coloring modes, and paper (or not). Much appreciated.
Posted by: Linda | Mar 19, 2013 at 00:34