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Dec 01, 2013


Craig Takahashi

I can't wait to try out the finger blending with the new Pencil stylus!

Jill Lee-Jones

I hope you'll keep us posted France on the new pencil. I've purchased several and been pretty underwhelmed. Hopefully this one is THE ONE. : )


Craig, I cannot wait either. And I must try the Adonit Jot Touch 4. It sounds like something I will like.

Jill, I will keep everyone posted. Have you tried the Bamboo stylus? Despite its rather fat tip, it is the best I have found so far. But then again, I haven't tried anything expensive.

Simon Sheldon

I have to wait for my Pencil because they aren't shipping to Australia. Enjoy the Jot

Jill Lee-Jones

France, no I have not tried the Bamboo stylus. So far the best for me is the Adonit Jot, but the clacking sound of that hard tip on the screen is a bit much if you're in a quiet room with other people...am looking forward to hearing more about Pencil since Paper is my favorite app as well. The more I read, the better it sounds... : )


I will hold off on buying one until I hear your verdict. It reminds me of the carpenter pencils I love.

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